In Conversation With Alicia Waite

Photo credit: Frances Davison
Women following their passion is something we LOVE here at Evamoso. So we sat down and decided we would reach out to women who inspire us, get our brain juices flowing and make us want to just do that thing we've been thinking about for far too long.
This time, we interviewed and had a conversation with Alicia Waite.
Photographer, freelance branding expert and all round super star (oh, let's not forget also mamma to her beautiful baby daughter Sadie). Alicia has worked with all sorts of brands, both big (The Daily Telegraph, Larsson & Jennings, Elle UK, and small (Alicia is the Evamoso photographer and helped design our brand values).
Looking at her instagram is like a cleanse for the eyes, with calming tones that will make you want to live in the utopia she creates through her camera lens.
In this interview we chatted to Alicia about the land of freelance work, fashion, sustainablity and new mum life. So grab a cuppa, and get inspired with us.
As someone who is a photographer and freelance branding expert, you've worked for yourself for a long time; is there any advice you could give to someone wanting to go out on her own and become self employed?
Fake it till you make it. I had to throw myself into projects that I felt nervous about right from the start, often learning and gathering skills along the way. I wouldn't say ask someone to pay for a service you absolutely cannot provide of course, but do the projects that scare you, because more often than not, you're more capable than you think you are.
Photo credit: Alicia Waite
Do you believe that sustainability within the fashion industry is here to stay?
Yes - I don't think we have a choice and the collective 'normal' is changing so quickly and strongly towards sustainability I don't think there's any way backwards.

What do you like to do to stay fit?
Very little at the moment as I'm 9 months pregnant, but usually I walk everywhere, and try to get out for a run when I can but mostly, with work and a toddler, I rely quite heavily on a big daily dog walk to get my blood going. My work is hugely physical so I really feel as though I get a lot of help with mobility and general fitness from all the heavy lifting and ducking and diving that comes with being a photographer.
Photo credit: Frances Davison\
Nosey nancy's over here- how do you like to start your day?
I wish I was a hot lemon-swilling, meditator in the mornings, but in reality my day starts with cajoling a very energetic Sadie out the door to nursery in a flurry of packed lunches, mislaid waterproofs and general chaos. Definitely room for improvement.
How do you find juggling being a mother and working at the same time? Any tips for first time mums?
I think I'm so lucky with my job in that I can theoretically balance those two things so well, by choosing which days I work and setting clear boundaries for the days I want to spend with Sadie. In reality though I currently have more jobs than I can do in a partial working week so Sadie goes to an amazing forest school Monday to Thursday and hangs out with her Grandparents on some Fridays so I can take those projects on. I love my job so much and being fulfilled in that area of my life definitely makes me a better parent, so it's all working well at the moment.
What's next for Lissie? Any exciting projects you'd like to share?
I'll be taking a few weeks off from client work over the summer to have another little girl, and work on some personal projects, like building my own dark room here in Leicestershire where I've recently moved back to. I can't wait!
If you want to check out any of Alicia's amazing work then head over to her website:
Felipe Browne - February 15 2023
Hi owner, Thanks for the well-researched and well-written post!