5 Ways To Back Small Business

We love small businesses! Partly because we are one so we know how much love goes into them but also because they have that little bit more soul to them. However, running a small business comes with its challenges too and the socker punch which was COVID19 caused more damage to smaller businesses than any other type of enterprise. Small businesses need your support now more than ever before. So without further ado we give you five favourite ways to back small business and show some love.
1. Buy their products and share them with the world!
Okay so pretty obvious but the most helpful thing you can do is actually buy the product they sell. Although you can take it one step further than this too. If you love the product, spread the word, share the product with your instagram feed, tag the business in your post or story, and say what you like about it. Tell your mum, friends, cousins, dogs anyone who you think might love it too. Word of mouth makes such an impact and doesn't take much effort at all!
2. Write a positive review
To follow on the last point, if there is a review section of the website and you love the product- give it a great review. This will help new buyers to trust the brand and want to buy the product. As you know as a customer, reading a good review can really be the difference between buying a product in one place or going somewhere else.
3. Check out their website
This tip is not only free but also takes a couple of minutes to do. By just looking at the website of a brand you are helping bring traffic to the site and telling search engines that the site is important which in turn pulls it up the ranking systems of search engines. Plus who doesn't love a good window shop!
4. Comment and engage with posts
This will make a small business owners day, which we can vouch for! We small businesses take hours thinking about what to put out as content, hours creating it and so when we get positive messages it really puts a spring in our step. It is so easy to comment or share social media content now and can really help a small business with its reach and engagement.
5. Sign up for the newsletter
Staying up to date with what's going on with a brand makes us feel important and loved but also helps us to build a sense of community within our brand. It also lets you know when we're releasing new products and means you don’t forget about us! Plus it doesn’t hurt to know when a discount is going, right?!
By Rachel Osborne
FinalertLLC - June 27 2024
Great insights on supporting small businesses! Your blog offers practical and impactful tips. It’s an inspiring read that highlights the importance of community involvement. Thanks for sharing these valuable strategies!