7 things you can do for Earth Day

Thursday April 22nd is Earth Day.
Earth Day is all about showing a little love for the planet. After watching the terrifying documentary, Seaspiracy, A Year to Change the World with Greta Thunberg and Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline we feel it's worth doing even more to help our precious planet It needs us now more than ever as our heads have been turned by the pandemic, so we at Evamoso came together and thought of some of our best planet saving steps that you can use to show a little love this Earth Day.
Reduce meat and fish consumption
(Credit: Netflix)
I feel like this is pretty well known, mass consumption of animals and overconsumption of fish is just eating away at resources, habitats and ecosystems. We're not saying you need to go vegan tomorrow but even cutting back gradually is a win, why not make meat free Mondays a regular and then build on that? Climate expert, Chiara Vitali, says ‘A 70 percent reduction looks like eating one portion of chicken and fish once a week and red meat once a month, with a heavy emphasis on home-cooked meals made from vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds...It’s a healthy, balanced diet for us and the planet’.
Plant trees!
Trees are the best, they act as amazing carbon sucking beauties and the planet can’t get enough of them, literally. We are not suggesting you pop to your local garden centre and dig out the shovel but if you really must, we won’t stop you! You can make life a lot easier for yourself though by either donating to charities that plant trees or even subscribing to organisations that plant them for you. A personal favourite that we mentioned in the sustainable apps blog is Ecologi, for £4 you can offset the amount of carbon you produce!
Use your voice and vote
Who's in charge of the country has a lot of impact on how we tackle, or don’t tackle climate change. If you want a good example of it just think about how when Trump was in charge America pulled out of the Paris Climate Change agreement and then when Biden got elected they signed up to it again. Climate change is no hoax but it's best to vote for governments that treat it like the emergency it is. What's equally important is to write, protest and let them know if they’re falling short.
Your voice matters- make it count!
Look into your energy usage
How green is your energy supplier? Why not look further into it? Some great energy companies is Good energy and OVO energy. Another thing we suggested in the blog about sustainable apps is using Yoyu which tells you based on forecasts what the best times to use energy intensive appliances so that as much energy from renewable sources.
Think about what you invest in
Your money counts as a vote for the world you want to live in. Invest in fossil fuels and you’re voting to live in a world where that's the main source of power. When you go to invest, really research where your money is going and try to choose green technology that will help the planet in the long run. Just look at the people who invested in Tesla, I’m sure they have no regrets now!
Consume less
Sounds simple, reality is not as easy. We live in a world that convinces us that things and stuff is the key to being happy and successful but by consuming less of this we are really helping to ease the pressure off the environment. One article states that buying less is not only greener than just buying ‘eco’ products but actually having less and buying less can actually make us more satisfied and happier as well. Win, win.
Get involved locally
Getting together with local environmental groups can not only help you stay motivated to help the planet and make friends but it will also help you to make real changes to your local area. One way to find these groups is through facebook groups but also Patagonia, the sustainable clothing brand, has set up its own map of grass roots local environment groups which you can check out here.
Finally, let's all remember...